Established in 2020, Four Engines Apparel is a home-based company dedicated to bringing the finest quality embroidery and printing to its customers. Our founder, Dave Keddy, began his journey in the world of screen printing in 2012 as a sidestep from his previous and less fulfilling job of printing paper and plastic products. He saw this as a growing industry with more positive opportunity and has not looked back since. With extreme attention to detail and a love for consistency, Dave has found a real passion for the production processes of embroidery and printing. Now with over 13 years of experience in logo merchandising, he is ready to merge his talents with his first true love: Music!

Our long-term goal is to create or partner with a local charity that will help provide funding and instruments for community music programs. Seemingly forever ago, as young elementary students, we were fortunate enough to have a music class and better yet, a keyboard in front of every kid. To see that music programs are seldom offered in schools anymore is concerning and something Four Engines is extremely ambitious to help change.


At Four Engines Apparel, we love to hear the story behind your band, brand, business, or any other budding venture you are passionate about. What gets you up in the morning? What new composition or painting have you been working on? What makes you stand out to your customers? It is your passion and your drive!! These small details can help us deliver the best final product possible to you and take your logo to a unique level. We are not only driven by rhythm, but also by the rhythm of your life!

Drop us a line!!